For the official and complete descriptions of all positions and ESSS procedures, refer to the official ESSS documents.
Executive Positions
Guide the Executive Council
Chair all meetings and be the official spokesperson for the ESSS
Enforce and maintain the Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy Manual of the ESSS
Oversee the Class Representatives
VP Admin
Oversee access of the ESSS physical and digital spaces
Act as Secretary for all meetings
Maintain documentation and archival media of the ESSS
Maintain and oversee the ESSS’s website, email server, and social media
Oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Directors of Common Room, Publications, and Website
VP External
Liaise with the CFES, WESST, and EGBC
Oversee the coordination of the Iron Ring ceremony
Oversee the organization of the SFU Engineering Competition
Form a committee of ESSS members for the purpose of selecting conference delegates
Oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Directors of OpFair and Diversity
VP Finance
Manage the writing and approval of grants
Liaise with the bank that holds the ESSS’s external account
Prepare the budget for the fiscal year and analyze the previous year’s budget
Maintain financial records and accounts
Oversee the purchase and sale of merchandise
Oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Directors of Merchandise and Sponsorship
VP Social
Form events committees with Representatives and Society Members when necessary for an event
Promote events and services offered by the ESSS
Organize and fill an events calendar for their upcoming term
Oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Director of Spirit
VP Academic
Oversee the administration of ESSEF grants
Oversee the ESSEF Parts Library
Attend all Undergraduate Curriculum Committee meetings
Survey Members for academic concerns to be brought to Undergraduate Curriculum Committee meetings
Oversee the roles and responsibilities of the Director of Resource Centre
VP Internal
Present topics from SFSS Council meetings to the Members at Regular meetings
Provide representation of the ESSS to the SFSS Council
Liaise with Engineering Clubs
Director Positions
Director of Diversity
Assists VP Social and VP External
Serves as the primary liaison between ESSS and diversity in engineering groups
Being informed of on-campus centres, clubs, and services for diversity groups in order to assist students
Hosts events that promote or inform the student body about diversity in engineering
Director of Sponsorship
Assists the VP External and VP Social
Seeks sponsorship for social/professional events
Seeks long term sponsorship for ESSS
Director of Common Room
Assists the VP Social and VP Administration
Oversees maintenance and improvement of the ESSS Common Room
Director of Merchandise
Assists the VP Administration and VP Finance
Oversees the sales and inventory of all ESSS merchandise
Designs new merchandise for ESSS
Director of Spirit
Assists VP Social
Manages ESSS Social Media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Discord
Creates promotional material for events, offline and online
Updates the Lab 1 Display Case
Director of OpFair
Oversees the planning of the annual OpFair, including the coordination of the planning committee and volunteers
Director of Resource Centre
Assists VP Academic
Maintains and operates the ESSS 3D Printer
Handles 3D printing requests and orders
Assists in the prototype development of student projects
Informs and educates the student body about 3D printing technology
Director of Publications
Assists VP Admin and VP Social
Oversees all publicity matters of the ESSS
Updates the ESSS display case, design printed and digital materials, and prints materials for activities
Associate Director of OpFair
Assists the Director of OpFair
Helps plan OpFair as a member of the planning committee
Director of Website
Adds content to the ESSS Website
Improves the design of the ESSS Website
The coolest position ; )
Class Representatives
First Year Representatives (4)
Second Year Representatives (2)
Electronics Engineering Representative
Systems Engineering Representative
Computer Engineering Representative
Biomedical Engineering Representative
Engineering Physics Representative
Serve as the liaison between the Executive Council and their respective concentration
Serve as volunteers, organizers, announcers of events managed by the Executive Council