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Application Documents

So you’ve found the perfect job for you and you only need to apply now. Commonly, an employer will ask for your resume, cover letter, and transcript. As much as we would all love to simply snap our fingers and change our transcripts to have all perfect grades, we can’t. But we can write killer resumes and cover letters to catch employers’ eyes and have them book us for an interview.


If you need a little bit of inspiration or guidance for your resume and cover letter, you’ve come to the right place! Take a look at the Co-op Resume Gallery and Co-op Cover Letter Gallery created by SFU OLC to peruse real SFU student’s resumes and cover letters and maybe get some design or category inspiration for your own documents. Or look at SFU’s guide and checklist for making your resume and cover letter from start to finish.


Maybe you just want a little bit of feedback from an unbiased student, if so you can submit your resume and/or cover letter to the ESSS for a quick review. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Signing a Contract
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