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Course Scheduling FAQ

Q: My required courses conflict?

A: Email the undergraduate assistant ( and explain your issue. They may be able to reschedule a course. You must request this before course enrollment begins, or it may be too late. These must be courses the department intends for you to take together. Alternatively, you can submit a time-conflict request form ( and enroll in both conflicting courses. The department will expect you to have a plan to minimize the consequences of the conflict.

Q: My required course is full, and I can’t waitlist?

A: Email the undergraduate assistant ( and explain your issue. They may be able to add more seats.

Q: I can’t enroll in courses from another department?

A: The other department probably reserves those seats for students in their program. You can enroll during open enrollment. Alternatively, you can declare a minor in the other department to gain immediate enrollment privileges. Computer engineering students commonly declare a CMPT minor

Q: This is my first time enrolling in an upper-division course, and my enrollment was not processed?

A: You must declare your concentration before enrolling in upper division courses. Please fill out this form (, and the undergraduate assistant will process it promptly. You may enroll in upper division courses after the form is approved.

Q: I want to take an elective, but it's not pre-approved?

A: Submit a course substitution waiver ( The undergraduate assistant and UCC chair will assess the course. Approval will depend on the course's accreditation status, academic unit distribution, and your personal circumstances.

Q: I’m missing a pre-requisite, but I took an equivalent course?

A: This is generally acceptable. Submit a course substitution waiver (

Q: I want to take a course during my co-op term?

A: This is allowed if your supervisor approves. After getting written consent from your supervisor, submit a time-conflict request form (

Q: I want to take an equivalent course in another department?

A: Submit a course substitution waiver ( Our department will discourage this unless there are extenuating circumstances. You may also need approval from the other department.


Undergraduate Assistant -

     ● Can manipulate the ENSC course schedule

     ● Reviews all submitted forms

     ● Can manually enroll you into courses

Academic Advising -

     ● Can help you plan courses

     ● Sometimes uninformed about department policies

ESSS VP Academic -

     ● Fellow student who is very knowledgeable on course scheduling

     ● Good point of contact if you have an issue that is not addressed on this list

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