Conferences and Competitions

The ESSS sends many students to numerous engineering-related conferences and competitions each year. Applications to attend upcoming conferences are usually sent to students on the ESSS mailing list. Conferences and competitions are an excellent way to expand your engineering knowledge, network, and meet other engineering students outside of SFU. Other than the ESSS associated engineering competitions (SFU EC, WEC, CEC), we also recommend Major League Hacking if you are looking to participate in more competitions.
Executives Meeting (EM)
EM is hosted by WESST (Western Engineering Student Societies Team) usually in May. The conference is meant to help transition incoming executives (VPs and President) for the upcoming year. The First General Assembly of the WESST happens during EM and consists of representatives from schools in western Canada. In order to attend, a person must be elected as a VP or President.
President’s Meeting (PM)
PM is hosted by CFES (Canadian Federation of Engineering Students) normally at the end of September. The First General Assembly of the CFES happens during PM and consists of representatives from schools across Canada. Generally, the VP External and President attend.
Annual General Meeting Retreat (AGMR)
AGMR is hosted by WESST and usually happens in October. Sessions during the conference cover how to become more involved in respective engineering societies. The Second General Assembly for WESST happens during AGMR. Delegates for AGMR are selected by application.
Conference on Diversity in Engineering (CDE)
CDE is hosted by the CFES usually in November. Sessions during the conference discuss how to be more inclusive and diverse in engineering. Delegates for CDE are selected by application.
Canadian Engineering Leadership Conference (CELC)
CELC is hosted by CFES and usually happens in January. Sessions are based on leadership and how to be more involved as a leader in respective engineering societies. Delegates for CELC are selected by application.
Conference on Sustainability in Engineering (CSE)
CSE is hosted by CFES and usually happens in March. Sessions are based on sustainability and being more environmentally friendly in engineering. Delegates for CSE are selected base on application.
SFU Engineering Competition
SFU EC is organised by the ESSS, MSESS, and SEESS. There are usually six different categories for students of all years and skill levels to particpate in. To attend you must be and ENSC, MSE, or SEE student.
Western Engineering Competition (WEC)
WEC is hosted by WESST and is comprised of winning teams from across western Canada. To attend, you must win your respective category at the SFU Engineering Competition.
Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC)
CEC is hosted by CFES and is comprised of the winning temas from the regional engineering competitions. To compete at CEC, you must win WEC.
Take a look at our delegate reports to learn more about what our engineering students get up to at the conferences and workshops offered.