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Engineering Clubs and Teams

The SFU Engineering has a number of clubs and teams you may be interested in! Make sure to have a look at their websites to learn more about what they do.

Women in Engineering (WiE)

The Women in Engineering Group (WiE), consisting of approximately 150 members, strives to encourage and support the excellence of women who pursue engineering. By nurturing strong academic and social relationships, WiE aspires to increase the presence of women in STEM - to not only succeed in their professional careers, but to inspire the future generations of young females. Check out WiE’s website!


We are the Simon Fraser University (SFU) student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional society dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. Check out the IEEE’s website!

SFU Robot Soccer

SFU’s first Robot Soccer club aims to combine the excitement of soccer with the future of automated technology as we compete in RoboCup Soccer competitions. Their team encourages students from all programs to come together and learn concepts that are not taught in class and get hands-on experience with robotics, artificial intelligence, and teamwork. Furthermore, we have a diverse spread of ages and experience represented in our club; ranging from first year engineering to latter-year computer science. Check out Robot Soccer’s website!

Team Guardian Burnaby

Team Guardian is SFU's UAV and drone design team, and they don't build themselves. They bring an accessible platform to learn more about drones, from how they work to how to fly, in a hands-on manner. Their team is split into three categories: the competition team, drone-related projects, and the business development team. Check out Team Guardian’s website!

SFU Rocketry

Striving to launch a rocket designed and built by SFU students, capable of touching the edge of space. Check out SFU Rocketry’s Website!

SFU Aerospace

SFU Aerospace is a joint initiative among the three largest aerospace teams at Simon Fraser University. They are an administrative team working to represent each design team in their efforts for funding and resources. Together, they represent over 100 students and their ambitious goals from designing and building satellites and rockets autonomous drones. They are more than funding and technical development, it is apart of our core values that a STEM education should be accessible to all regardless of their backgrounds and experiences. Most of all, they create a multidisciplinary space. Check out SFU Aerospace’s Website!

WiE Design

Women in Engineering Design Team is an interdisciplinary subset of WiE club which focuses on providing a safe space for women and minorities to gain and build their technical skills. WiE Design is a small technical team of 12 members and is currently working on building an IoT garbage-collecting robot controlled via Bluetooth. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic WiE Design started a PPE initiative to design, 3D-print, and donate face shields and ear savers to healthcare workers, volunteers, and small businesses.

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